👋Welcome to Marinade

The easiest way to stake Solana without locking your funds!

What is Marinade?

Marinade.Finance is a non-custodial liquid staking protocol built on Solana. You can stake your SOL tokens with Marinade using automated staking strategies and receive "marinated SOL" tokens (mSOL) that you can use in decentralized finance (DeFi).

The price of mSOL goes up relative to SOL each epoch with rewards being accrued into the underlying staked SOL.

You can withdraw your SOL at any time by unstaking and waiting for the unlock period (1-2 epochs) or immediately with a small fee (see our FAQ). You can also directly exchange between mSOL and SOL on secondary markets at the current rate.

Marinade also enables you to tokenize your stake. If you are already delegating to a single validator, please take a look at the requirements.

What are the benefits of staking SOL?

Blockchains use consensus protocols in order to validate transactions in a secure and decentralized way. We won't dig deep into the technicalities, but you will find a good explanation of staking in the Solana documentation.

When you stake (lock) your SOL tokens to a validator, you are helping to secure the network and participating in the decentralization of Solana. In return for locking your SOL, you receive rewards in SOL.

For the decentralization and the security of the Solana blockchain, we need as much SOL as possible staked to efficient validators. With the growing number of use cases for SOL in DeFi, a fair amount of SOL is still not staked and used daily in DeFi.

Marinade offers you the possibility to stake your SOL in exchange for mSOL that you can use in DeFi while still enjoying the staking rewards. The SOL that you are staking with Marinade is spread among more than 450 validators, excluding the so-called "security group" (top 19 validators). Validators are chosen by our transparent, permissionless formula and automatically rebalanced.

What's so special about Marinade?

Let's highlight the main benefits of staking your SOL with Marinade:

  • Full control over your tokens and associated accounts

  • Unlock your stake, receive a tokenized version of your position, and use it in DeFi

  • Open-sourced, permissionless delegation formula with more than 450 validators

  • Stake and delayed unstake with no charge

  • 1.95% fee on your rewards - the smallest on the market

  • Native Solana community and contributor-driven governance

What can you do with Marinade?

  • Stake SOL (and unstake anytime) or become a liquidity provider to the SOL-mSOL pool.

  • Explore additional DeFi yields on top of staking using your tokenized stake positions.

  • Earn your position in the Marinade DAO and participate in governance by using Marinade.

Last updated