List on Marinade's DeFi page

Appearing on our DeFi page is free! If you have integrated mSOL, you can reach out to be displayed on it.


If you are a protocol that integrated mSOL (in any imaginable way), you can be displayed on our DeFi page.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Join our Discord.

  • Send a message to c2yptic#5964, JJ - Marinade#7183 or Cerba#1454 indicating the protocol you work with and your desire to be added to the DeFi page.

  • A specific channel in our Discord will be created for you, where one of our developper will be able to help you throughout the process.

  • You will be given access to our repository and an example to follow in order to integrate your protocol yourself.

If you don't have any developer to do this, please let us know and our developers will help you throughout the process.

Last updated