
You will find here the internal structure of the mDAO and its team members.

Work groups details

  1. ๐Ÿคน Community. The "Community" is all about attracting new members and engaging with the existing ones with the goal of building a tribe of like-minded people sharing the same set of values. The group also makes sure the Marinade vision and regular updates are well communicated both to the public and internally.

  2. ๐Ÿ‘ท Product. The "Product" group works on the Marinade program, web application, user research, developer academy, and prototyping studio to test new ideas and lateral Marinade products. In this group, you'll usually find a mix of developers (Rust and Typescript/React), product designers, and researchers.

  3. ๐Ÿค Partnership & Growth. The "Partnership & Growth" group takes care of researching new integration partners for Marinade and maintains the health of existing relationships. It oversees tokenomics from the distribution strategy and MNDE utility perspective.

  4. ๐Ÿ“‹ DAO Ops. The "DAO Ops" group supports Marinade operations by working on attracting and retaining the best people, financial reporting and budgeting, shaping the organizational structure, and setting a framework for collaborative work in a data-driven environment.

Become a contributor

If you think you can contribute to Marinade, you can use this form to reach out. If an open position fits with your skills, you'll be contacted for an interview. If there are no open positions matching your profile, we'll keep your application and may contact you in the future.

In the meantime, we strongly recommend that you read our entire documentation, join our Discord and introduce yourself to the kitchen.


You can see a full list of Marinade contributors on this page.

Last updated